Aged Care Placement Services


Personalised Aged Care Placement Services tailored to your family needs

Understanding Options

The family information session will provide you with up-to-date and unbiased information about your local aged care options

Finding the Home

The facility shortlist will help match the right aged care home to your individual family needs and preferences in a timely manner.

Negotiating the Fees

The RAD Negotiation service has helped many families reduce the accommodation charges and any additional service fees.

Application Paperwork

Making sure that all necessary paperwork is completed correctly and submitted in a timely manner.

Placement Settling In

We can assist with the settling in period to ensure that all items are fully covered.

Relocation Management

Relocation Management will help you carefully disperse, pack, clean, arrange transport and unpack.

Urgent Aged Care Placement

Do you need to arrange an immediate placement?
Arrange Placement Now