Eldercare Allambi


Eldercare Australia Ltd

Aged Care Home Directory

Eldercare Allambi


86 Oaklands ROAD GLENGOWRIE SA 5044

Beds: 225


Service Provider: Eldercare Australia Ltd

Accreditation Report

Daily Care Fee & RAD Interest Rate Updates

From 1 April 2025, the Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR) is 8.17%

Since the RAD price approval threshold increased to $750,000 in January 2025, Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RADs) have risen significantly across most aged care homes. For residents, any reduction in the MPIR is a positive change, as it lowers the cost of paying via Daily Accommodation Payments (DAPs).

Key Changes from 20 March 2025:

  • Basic Daily Care Fee: $63.82 per day
  • "Fully Supported" Asset Threshold: $61,500
  • "Non-Supported" Asset Threshold: $206,663
  • Maximum Accommodation Contribution: Refurbished facilities: $69.79 pd Non-refurbished facilities: $45.51 pd

Impact on Aged Care Placements

Aged care facilities continue to prefer residents who pay a RAD upfront rather than those on concessional arrangements. Since lower-tier RADs have increased, the provider-centric income gap between full-paying and concessional residents has widened.

For facilities with more than 40% concessional residents, the effective Refundable Accommodation Contribution (RAC) is now $311,791. However, with the average RAD now sitting well above this amount, it remains challenging for concessional residents to secure placements.

This trend will most likely continue, increasing pressure on those seeking supported placements in aged care homes.

More about RAD, DAP & MPIR ...

Are you considering a placement at Eldercare Allambi?

Do you need to find respite or permanent placement at Eldercare Allambi or another aged care home in the GLENGOWRIE area?

Reduce Your Stress

We have helped many families through this difficult time and have detailed knowledge and experience to help you with this important decision about Eldercare Allambi.

Don't be too hasty and make easy mistakes. Access our knowledge and experience prior to making a decision which will have a major impact on your elderly loved one.

Application, Admission Forms and Negotiating the Accommodation Fees at Eldercare Allambi

  • Providing you with unbiased advice about Eldercare Allambi and other aged care homes nearby to GLENGOWRIE.

  • Negotiating RAD's and additional service fees to achieve the best financial arrangement for your family.

  • Explaining strengths and weaknesses of different homes near GLENGOWRIE - using our proven checklist to guide your decisions.

  • Matching appropriate homes to your family requirements, preferences and timetable

  • Arranging facility tours to Eldercare Allambi and providing support

  • Completing the important Centrelink forms ie. SA457 or SA485 Asset and Income Assessment form

  • Accurately completing and lodging the application and admission paperwork for Eldercare Allambi

  • Be first to hear abour vacancies - prompt notification and response to current vacancies at Eldercare Allambi through our established and trusted relationship with admission coordinators

  • Provide advocacy and support during the settling-in period and after the placement has been completed

Care Homes - State Directories

VIC Care Homes
NSW Care Homes
QLD Care Homes
SA Care Homes
WA Care Homes
TAS Care Homes
ACT Care Homes
NT Care Homes

RAD to DAP Conversion

First select the RAD Amount that has been agreed to:

      Agreed RAD: $

Use the slider to see how the daily accommodation payment (DAP) will change depending on the lump sum component of the RAD paid. The DAP is based on the current maximum permissible interest rate (MPIR) of 8.17%.


  Lump Sum Paid: $

DAP :$83.94 pd

Interest rate (MPIR) is: 8.17%pa
(from 1/04/2025)

Care & Placement Guides

Assessment - Home Care
Assessment - Residential Care
Residential Care Agreement
Age Pension Current Rates
New Aged Care Homes
Residential Care Fee Categories
Current Fees and Charges
Basic Daily Care Fee
Means Tested Care Fee
What is a RAD, DAP, MPIR?
Current and Historical MPIR's
Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD)
Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)
Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR)
Additional Service Fee (ASF)
Centrelink Form SA456 Explained
Centrelink Form SA485 Explained
Centrelink Form SA457 Explained

Urgent Aged Care Placement

Do you need to arrange an immediate placement?
Arrange Placement Now