Aged Care Articles
20 September 2021
Summer is fast approaching, and with it, plenty of fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables.
16 September 2021
Bathroom safety for seniors is very crucial, but also quite simple to do. Here are 9 tips to help your loved one avoid bathroom injuries.
15 August 2021
Your phone rings. It’s the hospital with terrible news that your grandson has been hit by a car, and needs money for emergency surgery.
19 July 2021
When you have a professional caregiver assisting your aging parent at home ...
23 August 2021
Most people take driving for granted, but as they get older, driving can become more dangerous ....
21 August 2021
Fall avoidance in the elderly is essential to ensuring the best quality of life for your loved one as they age in place.
15 August 2021
No one is quite sure why humans have a natural need to sleep, though there have been countless studies performed on the subject.
19 July 2021
Caring for a loved one who has had a stroke can be very taxing physically, mentally and emotionally.
15 July 2021
Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that causes changes in memory, thinking, and behavior.
6 July 2021
Depression is an illness. Just like the flu, depression can leave a person physically exhausted and unable to cope with everyday life.
4 July 2021
Unintentional weight loss in seniors can be due to a number of various factors. At times it can be related to mental states ...
2 February 2021
The risk of falling seems minor. After all, we’ve all fallen at some point in our lives.
16 January 2021
If you have elderly loved ones, chances are that at some point, they’ll experience cataracts.
14 January 2021
Most slip and fall accidents that occur in the home happen in the bathroom. So many slick, hard surfaces combined ...
14 October 2020
My mother used to stand in front of greeting card racks and weep when she read the messages inside of Mother’s Day cards.
12 October 2020
Mum and Dad are older now, you’re worried about their health. They don’t eat well or exercise ...
2 March 2020
Dementia isn’t a single disease, the word describes a set of symptoms that includes problems with memory, reasoning, communication
18 January 2020
Perceptions people have about elder abuse are usually wrong. That’s disheartening because the way we think about elder
16 January 2020
In a few weeks, we will enter Spring and followed-up by Summer. Hopefully outside gatherings will return as a good option
15 January 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic keeps most older adults sheltering in place to stay safe, video chat platforms have become a popular way of communicating.
25 September 2019
After 18 months of living during the Covid-19 pandemic, there may be light at the end of the tunnel thanks to the rollout of AstraZeneka
14 March 2019
As adult children age many unresolved conflicts are swept under the carpet and avoided. Often with parents as buffers
12 March 2019
Experts advise us to stay home and limit our in-person celebrations to those living in our immediate household.
10 March 2019
If you or a senior you are caring for struggle with chronic pain, we hope these 5 tips will be of help.
4 November 2018
Sundowning and dementia are terms often heard together. Sundowning dementia syndrome, also known as late-day confusion, ....
26 October 2018
Hip replacement surgery can improve mobility, function and wellbeing but it can take a little time to recover ...
22 October 2018
The Early Signs of Dementia include forgetfulness, misplacing of objects, struggling to find the right words, personality changes and ....
14 July 2018
It is possible to live a long and fulfilling life with Parkinson's, even if the future seems bleak. The symptoms can often be controlled with medication....
23 June 2018
The late stages of Alzheimer’s disease can be difficult for the patient, family, and caregivers. It’s important to know the symptoms, ....
17 June 2018
Many Australians over 65 years of age have a chronic condition that affects their day to day lives, including independently...
14 June 2018
Emphysema is a progressive lung disease that is literally breathtaking. It’s the result of damage to the air sacs....
8 June 2018
When you are responsible for the care of a senior loved one, the stresses and strains....
4 March 2017
Few people can truly imagine how difficult it would be to live a life unable to communicate with their loved ones.
23 Feb 2017
The spread of ageism might not seem like a serious problem, but it actually contributes to a number of false assumptions about seniors...
15 February 2017
Arthritis is a challenging and uncomfortable disease that affects many seniors and older adults. ....
9 February 2017
what would happen if you lost your ability to see. Would you still be able to enjoy the hobbies and activities ....
23 June 2016
We all know we should be exercising more. The benefits of walking for older adults can help with weight control, fitness and good health....
15 June 2016
Worried about your parent making bad decisions? Incompetence comes in many forms, which can make determining what to do ....
9 May 2016
Scam artists often target older adults with schemes to milk them for money. These can include preying on vulnerability ....
5 April 2015
The influence that a well behaved pet can have on the residents of an aged care home cannot be understated. While 2 out of 3 Australian households ....