the section of the ACFI assessment that looks at a person’s need for support in day to day life. The ratings are based on the level of support required with eating, mobility, bathing, getting dressed, and toileting.
tool used to assess the care needs of people in permanent residential aged care and allocate subsidies to residential aged care services. As a resource allocation tool, it focuses on those care needs that contribute most to the cost of care.
geographic regions used by the Australian Government in the planning process to determine the distribution and types of aged care places to be made available across Australia.
When you reach retirement age then you may receive the Age Pension. This is a Department of Human Services payment which ensures you have an income for your retirement.
If you are an older person living in Australia then you may receive in home or residential care. This is personal and/or nursing care to support you to stay as independent and healthy as you can be. These services can also assist you if you’re caring for someone older.
The Aged Care Act 1997 is the Commonwealth legislation that allows government funding to be provided for aged care services for older Australians.
When the My Aged Care department is evaluating your needs and eligibility, they may visit you to conduct a comprehensive face-to-face assessment. A process of evaluating an individual's needs, abilities, and circumstances to determine the type and level of care they require.
When you are applying for a subsidised in-home care package, a team of health professionals, known as an Aged Care Assessment Team, (or ACAS in Victoria) will perform the necessary processes on behalf of My Aged Care. An ACAT assessor may include a nurse, social worker, and/or other health professionals. ACATs can approve your access to residential care, Home Care packages, and transition care.
Your Aged Care Client Record (ACCR) is the form completed by the Aged Care Assessment Team following your assessment. In includes information about your assessment and approval for you to receive a Home Care Package, transition care or help at home or to move into an aged care home.
The Aged Care Complaints Commissioner is an independent statutory office holder responsible for providing a free complaints resolution service across Australia. You can contact the Complaints Commissioner if you wish to raise a complaint or concern about an Australian Government-subsidised aged care service. This includes services for residential care and residential respite care, Home Care Packages, Commonwealth Home Support Programme, and flexible care, including transition care and the National Aboriginal and Flexible Aged Care Programmes.
A facility where older people can live and receive care and support services.
An Australian Government statutory agency established under the Aged Care Act 1997 to ensure Australians receiving Australian Government subsidised aged care services receive a high quality of care. The Commission’s primary purpose is to protect and enhance the safety, health, well-being and quality of life of aged care consumers; to promote aged care consumers’ confidence and trust in the provision of aged care services; and to promote engagement with aged care consumers about the quality of their care and services.
Aged Care Services, whether provided in your home or through residential or flexible care, are services that are designed to help you stay as independent as you can. You may be eligible to receive a subsidy from the Commonwealth Government to help cover the cost of aged care services, either through a Home Care Package or via the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.
The Aged Care Rating System is an outcome of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
The Royal Commission identified the need to provide aged care consumers with a simple, transparent and objective way to compare the quality of aged care homes.
The purpose of the Aged Care Rating System is to:
Where can you find the Aged Care Star Rating for any aged care home?
The Aged Care Star Ratings can be found at Aged Care Provider Search
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority
Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status
The Australian National Aged Care Classification aims to improve funding arrangements to Residential Aged Care Facilities and promotes better care for senior Australians through:
The AN-ACC Assessment Tool focuses on the characteristics of residents that establish care costs in residential aged care. AN-ACC has been designed to be robust and concise and is able to be undertaken by an AN-ACC Assessor independent of a residential aged care facility (RACF) and who is not familiar with the resident.
The AN-ACC Assessment Tool includes the following assessment sections that need to be completed for each AN-ACC Assessment:
An approved provider is an organisation that has been approved to provide residential care, home care or flexible care under the Aged Care Act 1997. If you receive a subsidy from the Australian Government to help pay for aged care services, the provider you choose must be an approved provider.
This is a plan for a consumer, made in accordance with the Quality of Care Principles 2014, that sets out information regarding any behaviours of concern for that consumer, including all alternative strategies which have been tried prior to the use of any restrictive practices for that consumer. The Principles set out the responsibilities of the provider relating to behaviour support plans, including assessments and documentation which should be prepared and included as part of the plan. If restrictive practices are in place, provision of a behaviour support plan is mandatory, as from 1 September 2021.
Diagnosis, treatment and care are timely and based on the best available evidence, which is used to achieve the best possible outcomes for consumers.
the three areas of care needs that are assessed in the ACFI assessment, namely: Activities of Daily Living, Cognition and Behaviour, and Complex Health Care.
home care is provided with varying levels of support, namely:
A carer is a person who plays a role in supporting another person with their ongoing needs. A person who provides unpaid care and support to someone who has a disability, chronic illness, or is elderly. The carer can also be an aged care customer.
A document that outlines an individual's care needs and the services and support they will receive.
You are known as a care consumer if you receive care and support in physical tasks, personal or medical care, and/or social activities. This care may occur in your own home, community, or in an aged care home.
Carer support groups can provide an opportunity to meet with other carers to share experiences, feelings and ideas and to express concerns and discuss problems. These groups also provide the opportunity for carers to take a break and socialise.
If you are receiving a service as an aged care consumer, you have rights and responsibilities. These are outlined under the Aged Care Act 1997 and are called the Charter of Aged Care Rights. You will be asked to sign the Charter when commencing aged care services.
Serious, progressive and disabling long-term lung disease where damage to the lungs (usually because of both emphysema and chronic bronchitis) obstructs oxygen intake and causes increasing shortness of breath.
When your contact the My Aged Care about access to aged care services, a contact centre staff member will create your Client Record. The client record will include your details (and carer or representative details), details about assessments and support plan, and information about service(s) received.
the section of the ACFI assessment that looks at a person’s care needs in relation to cognitive skills and their behaviours. The ratings are based on assessments of cognitive impairments such as loss of memory, and on people’s behavioural patterns such as wandering away from their suitable place of care.
a group of people who share a similar characteristic (for example, age).
this refers to the circulatory system, namely the heart (cardio) or blood vessels (vascular). Cardiovascular disease is any disease affecting this system, such as angina, heart attack or stroke.
If you or your loved one needs help to stay at home and to be more independent in the community, then you may benefit from the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. The Commonwealth Home Support Programme provides a comprehensive, coordinated and integrated range of basic maintenance, support and care services for older people and their carers. A program that provides entry-level support services to help older people live independently at home.
Eligible older people are people aged 65 years and over and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people aged 50 years and over. From 1 July 2015 Commonwealth Home Support Programme combined together the Commonwealth Home and Community Care (HACC) Program, Planned respite from the National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP), Day Therapy Centres (DTC) Program and Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged (ACHA) Program.
A Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre can provide information on carer support and respite services to the general public, carers, service providers, general practitioners and other health professions. During business hours they can be contacted on 1800 052 222. Outside standard business hours or if you require emergency respite support, call 1800 059 059.
A Comprehensive Assessment is an assessment that considers your individual care needs. This includes restorative, physical, medical, psychological, cultural and social needs. Comprehensive Assessments are undertaken by Aged Care Assessment Teams, for aged care services under the Aged Care Act 1997. Once the assessment is completed, the outcome is then sent to a Delegate for review and approval of care types under the Aged Care Act 1997. Subsequently you may be eligible to receive support via Permanent Residential Care, Low/High Residential Respite, Home Care Package or the Transition Care Programme.
By giving your consent, you are confirming your agreement for something to happen, something to be done or information to be held and shared.
If you have a Home Care Package, The Community Visitor Scheme can match you with a volunteer who can visit you regularly either in your home or in your community. In each state and territory a coordinator from a CVS organisation can work with you to find a suitable volunteer based on your interests, hobbies and background.
Consumer Directed Care recognises your rights to have control over the way in which you receive services. This gives you more flexibility when it comes to deciding on the care and support that best meet your personal needs, goals, and preferences. A model of care that gives consumers more control and choice over the services and support they receive.
If you have incontinence, the cost of continence products may become a financial strain. However, you may be eligible to receive a payment from The Continence Aids Payment Scheme that could help pay for some of the cost of continence products. This payment is transferred directly into your bank account which means you will be able to choose the products are best for you and also when and where you purchase them from.
When you are caring for a loved one, it’s not uncommon to feel isolated or overwhelmed. Counselling and support services provided by qualified professional counsellors can assist you when you need emotional support. The can also offer grief counselling, relationship guidance and help in managing your problems and concerns. These services can also assist by providing independent aged care advocacy and advice on protecting your rights as a carer.
Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Services are available in each state and territory and offer support for people living with dementia, their carers, health professionals and care workers. If you are caring for a loved one living with dementia, their changing behavioural and psychological symptoms can be distressing and can have impact on quality of life. These are services available in each state and territory that can support you by providing help and advice.
De Morton Mobility Index
a mental health condition characterised by low mood and other symptoms. When recorded in the ACFI assessment, this broad term includes affective (mood) disorders, bipolar disorder and related conditions.
The production of diagnostic images; for example, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, X-rays, ultrasound and nuclear medicine scans.
this is a medical procedure that artificially cleans the blood to remove waste products that build up (a function that kidneys would normally perform). It is most often required due to kidney failure.
this refers to conditions that affect the digestive system, including the gastrointestinal tract, liver or pancreas. These conditions can be acute (such as diarrhoea and gastroenteritis) or chronic (such as hepatitis and inflammatory bowel conditions).
in the context of aged care, this is the reason for an exit from aged care services. The reasons recorded for leaving aged care are: death, going to hospital, transferring to another care facility or another program (depending on which program a person is leaving), returning home, and other reasons.
The complainant is supported to resolve their concerns quickly and directly with the provider without the Commission’s ongoing formal involvement. The assistance may include providing routine information and discussing the complainant’s concerns with the provider.
The care provided to a consumer in the period when they are nearing the end of their life. It can include physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological support.
Any payment, of money or other valuable contribution, made before 1 October 1997, as defined in the Aged Care Act 1997.
The breach of approved provider responsibilities outlined in Chapter 4 of the Aged Care Act 1997 triggers the Commission’s compliance functions under Part 7B of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018 and specified enforcement powers from the Regulatory Powers (Standard Provisions) Act 2014 under Part 8A. Enforceable regulatory action is intended to oblige the provider to take action to address quality and safety risks and to comply with its responsibilities as quickly as possible. Enforceable regulatory action also acts to deter the provider from future non-compliance.
A practice or intervention that restricts, or that involves restricting, a care recipient’s free access to all parts of the care recipient’s environment (including items and activities) for the primary purpose of influencing the care recipient’s behaviour.
Combination of related Quality Standards for the purpose of collecting evidence during a performance assessment with a residential service. The four evidence domains will guide the way an assessment is conducted, who is selected for interview, the questions asked, the observations made, the documents reviewed, which types of evidence are pursued and lines of enquiry. Different pieces of evidence will answer different questions under each domain.
these are based on information coded within the hospital system, where the principal diagnosis for the hospitalisation was an injury, the external cause was a fall and the person had not been admitted as a transfer from another hospital.
an aged care stream that addresses people's needs, in either a residential or home care setting, in ways other than the care provided through the mainstream residential and home care programs. Flexible care programs include Multi-Purpose Services, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program, and Innovative Pool. Some publications also include transition care and short-term restorative care under the term ‘flexible care.’
a medical practitioner who provides comprehensive and continuing care to patients and their families within the community.
a GP attendance is an unreferred patient-doctor encounter (with Medicare funding benefits), such as a visit, consultation and attendance (including a video conference) with a medical practitioner who has been recognised as a general practitioner for the purposes of Medicare benefits.
A guardian is a person entrusted by law to make decisions on behalf of another person who may be unable to make them for themselves. The guardian can make lifestyle decisions such as where the person should live or give consent for the person to receive medical, dental or other health care services. A guardian may be a friend or family member but if this is not possible a guardianship board or tribunal may appoint one on your behalf. The rules on guardianship vary from state to state.
A Home Care Package is a subsidy provided to an approved provider by the Australian Government Home Care Packages Program to help pay for the costs of in-home aged care services to allow people to stay independent in their own home as long as possible.
There are four levels of home care packages designed to give the care needed:
To help make your home safer and more secure, Home Maintenance services can assist you with tasks such as changing light bulbs, emergency alarm maintenance, minor repairs like replacing tap washers, major repairs including carpentry, painting and roof repairs as well as help in the garden with lawn mowing and rubbish removal.
Aged care providers can arrange for a licensed tradesperson to assist with installation of hand rails and shower rails, easy-to-use taps, ramps and other mobility aids, safety aids such as emergency alarms and other minor renovations.
Services provided to help older people live independently at home, such as domestic assistance, personal care, and meal preparation.
Depending on your income, you may be required to contribute to the cost of your Home Care Package. If your income is higher than the Age Pension, the Department of Human Services will assess your income and determine if you are required to pay this fee for your Home Care Package and how much it will be.
An advocate may be able to assist you with accessing Australian Government funded aged care services or with raising concerns about the services you are receiving. An independent advocate, provided by a service such as the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) can offer independent and confidential advocacy.
Defined under the Aged Care Act 1997, relating to an entity, as:
if, at that time, the entity conducts an aged care service:
if, at that time, the entity proposes to conduct an aged care service:
Requires an approved provider that holds one or more refundable deposit balances, accommodation bond balances or entry contribution balances to develop, implement and maintain a Liquidity Management Strategy and maintain, in the form specified in the strategy, the minimum level of liquidity required to refund any balances that can be expected to fall due in the next 12 months.
services in regional, rural and remote areas, providing access to a mix of aged care, health, and community services.
My Aged Care is a website ( and contact centre (1800 200 422) established by the Australian Government to help you navigate the aged care system by providing information to you, a family member, friend or someone you are caring for.
The My Aged Care contact centre can provide information to you, a family member, friend or someone you are caring for. If you require aged care services, you can register with My Aged Care and they will be able to discuss your needs and options with you. The contact centre is open from 8:00am to 8:00pm on weekdays and 10:00am and 2:00pm on Saturdays and can be reached on 1800 200 422. The centre is closed on Sundays and public holidays.
If you require entry level aged care services provided under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), a member of the My Aged Care Regional Assessment Service will meet with you in your home to conduct a face-to-face assessment in order evaluate your needs and determine which services you may benefit from. The Regional Assessment Service operates in all states and territories except Victoria and Western Australia. If you live in Victoria or Western Australia, there will be differences in how you are assessed. Contact My Aged Care and they will explain the process and tell you who you need to contact.
a database bringing together aged care data from various sources, particularly the administrative data that are collected through Australian Government-funded aged care programs.
The National Screening and Assessment form is used by My Aged Care contact centre staff, Regional Assessment Service and Aged Care Assessment teams to collect information related to the screening and assessment processes. These processes are carried out to determine if a person is eligible to services under the Australian Government Commonwealth Home Support Program or Home Care Package. The form includes questions appropriate to each level of assessment and ensures a nationally consistent screening and assessment process.
If you are eligible to receive a Home Care Package, you will be placed in the National Home Care Queue. Your place in the queue is determined by your ACAT assessment and factors such as your level of need, how long you’ve been waiting and the availability of a package at the level you need.
A registered or enrolled nurse can (depending on their level of expertise) provide help with health checks such as blood pressure checks, changing wound dressings, catheter care and help with managing your continence or medicines. These services can be provided in your home, in a clinic or at another location such as a hospital.
the ownership structure of the provider organisation that manages a residential aged care facility. These are classified as not-for-profit (includes charities, religious organisations and community-based organisations), government (includes state government, territory government and local government organisations) and private (includes publicly listed companies and organisations that are registered as private companies).
Specialised care provided to people with a life-limiting illness to help manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
If you receive a pension from the Australian Government that is less than the maximum amount due to means testing, you are know as a part-pensioner.
Personal care services can provide assistance with everyday tasks such as getting in and out of bed, showering, dressing, and personal grooming, going to the toilet and moving around the house.
a national, government-funded scheme that subsidises the cost of a wide range of pharmaceutical drugs for all Australians to help them afford standard medications. The Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits (schedule) lists all the medicinal products available under the PBS and explains the uses for which they can be subsidised.
A power of attorney is a document that allows you to appoint someone of your choice to act on your behalf. The attorney can sign or do anything that you yourself can legally do subject to any limitations or conditions stated in the document.
If you apply for or are eligible for a Home Care package, you will be assigned a priority based on the urgency with which you should be assessed and/or provided with services.
The group within the Commission responsible for the accreditation and monitoring of residential aged care services, quality review of services provided in the home and community and assessment of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program services.
A person registered by the Commissioner under Part 6 of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Rules 2018 to undertake a performance assessment against the Quality Standards or to monitor the quality of care and services.
The terminology used to describe the process for assessing the performance of a home service during a quality review (changed from ‘site visit’ to ‘quality audit’ from 1 January 2020).
The Commission's regular newsletter for Australian aged care providers, sharing the latest information to support the vision of a world-class aged care service.
The systems and processes an organisation has in place to monitor, review, plan, control and make sure it delivers quality services, supports or products.
The Quality of Care Principles 2014. These principles are made under section 96-1 of the Aged Care Act 1997.
A comprehensive assessment of a home service provider, or a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program service’s performance against the Quality Standards, conducted under Part 4 of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Rules 2018 (or for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program services, conducted in accordance with the Quality Review Guidelines).
(in the context of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program) – Describes how quality reviews and monitoring of services under the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program are undertaken.
The Aged Care Quality Standards.
Registered Aged Care Facility - A Commonwealth approved aged care home
See My Aged Care Regional Assessment Service (RAS)
Reablement support can provide targeted, time-limited intervention to assist you with achieving a specific goal or outcome related to adapting to loss of function or with regaining confidence and ability to resume an activity. This may involve training in a new skill or relearning a lost skill, modification of your home environment or access to equipment or assistive technology.
If your needs or circumstances change significantly you may be re-assessed to identify any changes required to your existing support plan.
My Aged Care may provide you with referral codes that represent individual services recommended for you. You can refer to these codes when you are evaluating providers.
When a My Aged Care staff member wishes to request an assessment (home support or comprehensive) for a customer, they will send through a referral for assessment.
When either a My Aged Care staff member or assessor wish to request a service for a customer, they will send a referral known as a referral for service. These can be sent electronically, or the customer can be issued a referral code.
A refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) is a payment that some residents may be required to make when entering residential aged care in Australia. It is a lump sum payment paid to the aged care provider, and is designed to contribute towards the cost of the resident's accommodation.
The RAD is fully refundable when the resident leaves aged care, although some deductions may apply. For example, if the resident has any outstanding fees or charges, or if they have chosen to pay for additional services or amenities.
The amount of the RAD is determined by the aged care provider, and can vary depending on factors such as the type of accommodation, location, and level of demand for aged care in the area. The Australian government publishes a Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR) each quarter, which is used to calculate the interest earned on the RAD.
It's important to note that not all aged care providers require a RAD, and alternative payment options may be available such as a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) or a combination of both a RAD and DAP. It's recommended that individuals and their families seek independent financial advice before making any decisions about aged care payment arrangements.
When you contact My Aged Care for the purpose of accessing aged care services for yourself or on behalf of someone else, you will need to provide your details so that your My Aged Care Client Record can be created.
Residential care is care provided in a residential facility or aged care home (also known as nursing homes) to people who can no longer continue to live at home. It can be either on a permanent basis or for a short stay (called ‘residential respite’). A long-term care option for older people who require a higher level of support and cannot live independently in their own homes.
Financial assistance provided by the government to help cover the cost of residential aged care.
Also known as short-term care, if you are a carer, respite care is available to give you the opportunity to take a break from your caring role. This break may be to attend to everyday activities, or it may be due to illness, work commitments, or emergencies. Respite care can be provided by formal respite services or informally by friends or family. Residential respite (in a residential facility) can be used on a planned basis or in the case of an emergency if the person has been approved by an ACAT assessment to receive residential respite
If you receive aged care services at home or in an aged care home, your rights are protected in a by your resident agreement or home care agreement, the Charter of Aged Care Rights and accreditation standards for service providers. If you have a concern or feel your care does not meet the standards you are entitled to, you can make a complaint with your service provider, with the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner , or with an independent aged care advocacy service.
Resource Utilisation and Classification Study
Resource Utilisation Groups - Activities of Daily Living Instrument
If you do not receive any means-tested pension from the Australian Government and are funding your own retirement you are known as a self-funded retiree or non-pensioner.
You can use the service finder on the My Aged Care website to locate both Commonwealth Government subsidised and private aged care services in your location. You can also search for aged care homes and ACATs (Aged Care Assessment Team).
A service provider is an organisation that receives funding in order to provide aged care services to older people.
an early intervention program that aims to delay admission into residential care or home care. Care is provided for up to 56 days in a coordinated package of services, which can be delivered in a residential setting, the home, or a combination of both.
Social support services can help prevent feelings of loneliness and isolation by helping you maintain an active social life via home visits, help with shopping and access to recreational activities and support groups in the community.
on discharge from hospital, eligible people can receive rehabilitation care and support services either in a residential aged care facility or at home to assist in their recovery and rehabilitation. To receive transition care, an ACAT must assess a person as otherwise eligible for residential aged care. Generally, care is provided for a maximum of 84 days per person per financial year.
The Translating and Interpreting Service can assist non-English speakers by providing telephone and onsite interpreters. They can also assist English speakers in communicating to non-English speaking people.
the number of people in aged care services for every 1,000 people in a comparable general population. In most cases, this population is the target population for aged care services. Sometimes the target population for calculating a usage rate can be more specific, such as the people of a certain age group in a particular region.
A wallet check is a method of identity verification which involves sighting two documents that identify you and and noting them on your customer record.
Wellness is a philosophy based on the premise that people generally have the desire and capacity to improve their physical, social and emotional wellbeing by emphasising prevention, optimising physical function and active participation. It focusses on supporting an individual’s capacity to continue with their daily activities, social interaction and community interaction.
People younger than 65 years who receive care in residential aged care services.