Aged Care Connect

About Us

Aged Care Placement Specialists

Experienced Residential Care Placement Team

Aged Care Connect was established after observing the difficulties that families encountered when they approached the task of placing a relative into residential care.

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  • Each person requiring aged care is a unique individual with different life experiences and their own specific needs
  • Each person requiring aged care should be treated with utmost respect and their dignity is to be protected at all times; no matter what health care needs they require
  • Our service must always reduce the anxiety and stress for the family carer by providing accurate and current information and sharing experiences of other family carers who have faced similar situations

Each new family approaching the emotional task had very similar concerns, undertook the same activities, devoting time and effort only to uncover the same information and made the same mistakes as families that had gone before them.

There had to be a better way to complete this process and to achieve a positive outcome for the family.

We set about to completely understand all aspects of aged care placement ranging from the categories and alternatives available, the way in which the financials are calculated, the quality of care and lifestyle activities delivered by the different aged care providers and emotional aspects commonly experienced by the family.

We made it our single purpose to be able to provide information to our new family clients to reduce the level of anxiety and stress.

The team at Aged Care Connect have assisted many family clients through the aged care maze.

Our Managers have completed the Quality Assessors course conducted by the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency, providing the understanding of the requirements that the Commonwealth has specified in relation to the provision of quality residential care.

This awareness of quality standards in Australia's aged care system combined with the experiences gained through working with many families means that we are at the forefront of understanding all aspects of aged care placement.

We would welcome sharing our knowledge and experience about aged care placement with you and being personally involved with your family during this most important time.


  • to be a highly respected aged care placement service; to be respected for the quality of our service, our professional and compassionate staff and the outcomes that we have achieved for our family clients
  • to improve and grow our business so that we can assist more families, without affecting the high quality of our service provided to each individual and their family
  • to provide a satisfying working environment for our team members, which maximises their skills, experiences and, above all, their personal satisfaction in helping our family clients

Making a more informed decision about residential aged care placement

We are specialists in aged care placement and have been helping families with aged care placement for many years.

There is no substitute for this experience and extensive knowledge gained from working for families going through the same issues that you may be facing today.

Many families have benefited from our private and independent advice and placement read our family client comments about our service.

During this journey, we have gathered useful information and insights into all aspects of aged care placement.

If you're still at a loss as to where or how to begin your aged care placement activities, contact us now and we can help you get started.

Our staff are compassionate and have empathy for your family situation during this difficult time.

Knowing that your loved one resides in a caring, calm and tranquil environment will give you peace of mind.

At the least, explore information on our website and maybe find something useful that has a direct impact upon assisting you and your loved one during the aged care placement process.


Andrea Lewis

  Thanks again for your help in securing the room. We could see the relief in Mum’s face when she arrived at her room. Once she was dressed in street wear, not hospital wear, she seemed more confident and hopefully in time most if not all of the confidence she had before she entered hospital will return.  

Karen Di N.

  Thank you once again for everything. I am sleeping much better now, not having to worry about my Father's financial situation (at the aged care home) as much. What you have done is give me peace of mind that he can afford the extra odd bill . I will be very happy to recommend your services.  

Gwen and Brian Newell

  Thank you for the amazing job you've done for us. We cannot express enough what your assistance meant to us. You were a special blessing sent from heaven. I know we could never have managed without you. Our thanks and love to you both.  

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Care & Placement Guides

Assessment - Home Care
Assessment - Residential Care
Residential Care Agreement
Age Pension Current Rates
New Aged Care Homes
Residential Care Fee Categories
Current Fees and Charges
Basic Daily Care Fee
Means Tested Care Fee
What is a RAD, DAP, MPIR?
Current and Historical MPIR's
Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD)
Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)
Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR)
Additional Service Fee (ASF)
Centrelink Form SA456 Explained
Centrelink Form SA485 Explained
Centrelink Form SA457 Explained

Urgent Aged Care Placement

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